The purpose of this project is to improve the self-views of anxious English language learners in Japan (foreign language classroom anxiety, self-efficacy in intercultural communication) with a tailor-made intervention program that integrates effective educational and support materials from stress and anxiety management. Data has been collected from local student interviews (Phase 1) and national survey responses (Phase 2). Presentations were made a two international conferences (e.g., International Congress of Psychology). Abstract acceptance of an article to a project-related special issue of an impact factor journal has been secured, along with two accepted international conference presentation opportunities to be given virtually. The PI also contributed to two publications related to the empirical support and implementation of the proposed relaxation training intervention (e.g., Frontiers in Psychology).
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Ethical review protocols were submitted and approved for the first phases of the study. Data for individual differences in self-efficacy in intercultural communication and foreign language anxiety have been collected for comparisons of activity designs and course evaluations. Survey profiles (n=147) and interviews (n=10) in Phase 1 have proceeded smoothly, with data collection of follow-up interviews still ongoing at the time of reporting (n=6 already recruited, 14 to be recruited). Wave 1 of the Phase 2 survey has also progressed (n=1372), but the data has not been analyzed. Wave 2 of the Phase 2 survey is in development with the coordinating survey research platform. Groundwork for Phase 3 of the implementation is in preliminary stages of agreements between supporting collaborators.
Analysis of the Phase 2 survey data set is the next step. A manuscript will be prepared for the model of the data generated from this data set. The next set of allocated funds will be for facilitating group comparisons of the Phase 2 surveys and for Phase 3 pilot testing of the educational intervention (e.g., the processing of fee rewards for participation and maintenance of the survey licensing). Planning for the development and implementation of the intervention program is underway using a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial design. Workshop or online format advantages and disadvantages are under consideration. A manuscript in preparation to a relevant impact factor journal using the Phase 2 survey data is expected to be the main target for progress throughout the year.
すべて 2022 2021
すべて 雑誌論文 (7件) (うち国際共著 5件、 査読あり 4件、 オープンアクセス 5件) 学会発表 (3件) (うち国際学会 3件、 招待講演 2件)
Hiroshima Journal of School Education
巻: 28 ページ: 1-5
Hiroshima Daigaku Kyouikugakubu Kyodokenkyuu Project Hokokusho
巻: 20 ページ: 33-42
Frontiers in Psychology
巻: 13 ページ: 1-16
Reading Psychology
巻: 42(7) ページ: 788-806
巻: 12 ページ: 1-12
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
巻: 7(4) ページ: 601-603
In R. Dimitrova & N. Wiium (Eds), Handbook of Positive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Global Contexts: Springer.
巻: - ページ: 81-94