The purpose of this project is to improve the self-views of anxious English language learners in Japan with a program that integrates effective educational and support materials from stress and anxiety management. The first peer-reviewed, impact journal article based on the Phase 2 data was published as planned, which is the chief research achievement. Project-related oral presentations were made at four academic conferences (three international), and one keynote talk for over 100 local international educators. The PI also directly contributed to two other impact publications that provided new empirical evidence of the target population to incorporate into the program's background information. Funds were used for a software license, teaching materials, publication and membership fees.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Funds for the year were extended for travel to present findings from the Wave 1 project data at an international conference (8th IPPA World Congress 2023), which will take place in July. A pre-registered plan for analysis was submitted to an open science research platform. Data collection for Wave 2 of the Phase 2 survey was completed (n=904), but the data have not been analyzed. Mixed-methods use of the qualitative data has yet to be done, but the software and how-to documentation have been secured. The primary educational materials for the program have been identified but not organized into a final format for implementation. A date has been set for the Phase 3 pilot implementation of evidence-based program in development.
Analysis of the second wave of survey data set is the next step. The majority of the funds for the year are allocated for travel to present findings from the Wave 1 project data at an international conference (8th IPPA World Congress 2023). Planning for the development and implementation of the intervention program is underway following a CONSORT guidelines-based procedure. Consultation about a parallel control arm using ecological momentary assessment-based approach was received, but advantages and disadvantages to the study design are under consideration for the pilot implementation and evaluation. Preparing a second manuscript to a relevant impact factor journal using a synthesis of the phases of the data is expected to be the main target for progress throughout the year.
Funds for the year were extended for travel to present findings from the Wave 1 project data at an international conference (8th IPPA World Congress 2023), which will take place in July. The reason the amount was re-allocated to the next discal year is to adjust or account for fluctuations in the value of the yen relative to the currency of the conference hosts (Vancouver, CN), required to pay for the conference attendance fee, travel costs, and hotel accommodation.
すべて 2023 2022
すべて 雑誌論文 (4件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件、 オープンアクセス 4件) 学会発表 (5件) (うち国際学会 3件、 招待講演 2件)
Cogent Psychology
巻: 10(1) ページ: 1-12
Journal of Adolescence
巻: - ページ: 1-15
巻: 21 ページ: 9-18
Frontiers in Psychology
巻: 13 ページ: 1-19