研究実績の概要 |
During 2022, the following goals of the research were achieved. 1) Equipment was upgraded to conduct a further 10 interviews, bring the database total to the proposed 40 interviews from foreign residents of Japan from 20 countries. Interviewees ranged from a wide range of fields, including agriculture, health services, manufacturing, restaurant/hospitality, and education. Paperwork (consent forms, etc.) from all participants were secured. 2) Using an outside contractor, interviews were edited and uploaded to the Database of Immigrant Narratives. The Internet interface was expanded to include additional resources for educators, including a complete explanation of the Intercultural Competence through Narrative pedagogy, as well as examples for implementation in EFL curricula. Further, Japanese translations were added for these sections. 3) Using the DIM, two one-semester curricula were created and tested in a one-year course for third-year English majors. An empathy instrument was administered prior to and following the course, in addition to an exit survey, with the results analysed and submitted for publication in an academic journal (currently in publication). 4) To expand awareness of the DIM, presentations were given at two domestic conferences and one international conference.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The creation of the database was completed ahead of schedule; however, plans to present at overseas conferences in Canada were changed due to the worldwide coronavirus situation. As a result, plans to present overseas have been modified to overseas locations closer to Japan and presentations at domestic and online conferences.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Plans for the research are as follows: 1) Complete various modifications to the DIM in order to enhance user experience. For example, professional subtitles in English and Japanese for some videos in which users indicated difficulty in understanding interviewees. 2) Conducting of an additional 5 immigrant interviews during August 2023. 3) Editing and uploading of video onto database by November 2023. 4) 2023/2024 Conference presentations (JALTCall: June 2-4; Japan Association of Language Teachers: JALT, Noverber 24-27). 5) Research Publication (currently, 2 research articles submitted)