研究実績の概要 |
The research objective for 2022 was to focus on data collection and analysis of symposiums and reports of think tanks that are related to the Indo-Pacific and international liberal order (ILO) to identify the frequencies of those concepts that are used. Furthermore, discourse analysis of reports and the content of symposiums and workshops of think tanks were conducted in an attempt of answering the research question which is the following: "in what ways the role of think tanks contributes to shaping foreign and security policymaking". Some of the findings from this project were presented at academic conferences (‘Reinterrogating Security Discourses in Japan~', 2022/7/7; 'The Role of Think Tanks in Knowledge Production~', 2022/9/3, 'Japan’s Knowledge Production of Liberal International Order~', 2023/3/17) and an invited lecture (‘Japan's Responses and Adaptations~,’ IPERID Global Trends 2023, 2023/3/2). The above 2022 research activities will also be continued to be conducted in the year of 2023 by focusing on the analysis part of symposiums and reports of think tanks that used the concepts Indo-Pacific and the ILO. Additionally, this project will be further work on additional cases in the year of 2023.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
As mentioned earlier, during the year of 2023, data collection and analysis of symposiums and reports of think tanks relating to the Indo-Pacific and international liberal order (ILO) were conducted and discourse analysis of reports and the content of symposiums and workshops of think tanks were intended to be conducted in an attempt of answering the research question “in what ways the role of think tanks contributes to shaping foreign and security policymaking". Some of the findings from this project were presented at the academic conferences and/or equivalent academic platforms. Still, there are the need for further work which will be conducted further in the year of 2023.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The research aim for 2023 is to conduct the following in addition to the task that will be continued from the year of 2022: 1. additional data collection and analysis of symposiums and reports of think tanks relating to the Indo-Pacific and international liberal order (ILO), 2. participating in symposiums and workshops held in Tokyo and/or elsewhere, and 3. aim at presenting and/or publishing work (e.g. peer-reviewed article).