研究実績の概要 |
With the goal of understanding the evolving discourse surrounding the Indo-Pacific and the international liberal order (ILO), the research objective for 2023 was to analyze the symposiums and reports of think tanks that are related to the Indo-Pacific and international liberal order (ILO) by making use of the discourse analysis. While some research articles are work in progress, some of the findings from this project were presented at academic conferences (‘Exploring the Influence of ~', 2023/8/1; 'Epistemic struggles of Okinawa~', 2023/9/8; 'The role of policy advisers and think tanks~', 2023/9/8) and an invited lecture (‘Japan's Foreign and Security ~,’ TIU Global Dialogue, 2023/5/24). Instead of conducting the fieldwork, the online event videos available on the official websites were used as the research objectives for the analysis which provided valuable insights into the current discourse on the Indo-Pacific and the ILO. This supplement online videos with in-depth reports and articles published by think tanks. This project will further continued based on the finding that the rise of China has been one of the factor for strengthening the ILO as well as the development of the Indo-Pacific from the US and Japanese perspectives.