研究実績の概要 |
The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the relationship between language diversity and employee voice in the Asian context. My research achievements in the first year are as follows. (1) I conducted a systematic literature review of the organizational behavior literature, the diversity literature, and language-related research conducted in multinational companies. (2) I conducted interviews with foreign employees working in Japan and Chinese employees working for multinational companies located in China to gain a practical perspective on how their corporate lingua franca influences their communications, psychological well-being, work attitudes and behaviors. (3) I developed a theoretical framework and completed a conceptual paper based on (1) and (2). This paper has the potential to provide a novel viewpoint for understanding the mechanisms between language diversity and employee voice. (4) Based on (1)~(3), I designed a questionnaire to examine potential language-related factors (e.g., language barriers, language anxiety, and language ostracism) that might affect employee voice.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
According to the research plan, the first year included three main research activities: systematic literature review, designing a quantitative study, and writing a paper. I have generally progressed well according to this plan for the following reasons. First, I conducted a systematic literature review and read a wide range of articles related to organizational behavior, diversity, and language-related studies examined in multinational companies, which enabled me to better understand relevant research and identify research gaps in existing studies. Second, I have completed a conceptual paper that discusses the relationship between language barriers and voice behavior using linguistic and power theory, and I plan to revise this paper in the second year and submit it to an academic journal. Third, I have designed a questionnaire based on the literature review and conceptual framework and plan to collect the data in the second year.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the second year of the project, my plan is as follows. First, I will continue the literature review and revise the conceptual paper already completed in the first year. After that, I will submit it to an academic journal. Second, building on the results of the first year, I will conduct an empirical study to statistically examine factors that may influence employee voice in the multinational companies, such as language barriers, language anxiety, and language ostracism. Third, I would also like to consider gender diversity as a possible factor influencing employee voice, given that more and more Asian countries are making efforts in promoting the employment of women. Specifically, I plan to conduct comparative research in Japan, China, Korea, and other Asian countries. Forth, I will submit my papers to academic conferences and academic journals.