研究実績の概要 |
The Principal Investigator of this study has collected information and data from researchers and various stakeholders in this research, and this study has been able to shed light on the significance of new roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in addition to the researchers in international research collaborations.
According to the analysis of the collected data in this study, in international research collaborations, the researchers and their affiliated institutions have to follow new regulations and policies established by funding agencies and national governments. These regulations and policies are arranged and coordinated through the international cooperation between policy makers of the national governments in the fields of research integrity and research security. In order to promote openness on research, it will be crucial to understand expected roles and responsibilities of research and conduct collaborative research across nations. Based on the results of this study, the Principal Investigator will conduct a new study (KAKEN: 24K16716) to examine new roles and analyze upcoming responsibilities of key stakeholders.
Regarding the development of a research method in this study, the Principal Investigator learned that some international conferences started asking for a preregistration proof of a study, in addition to obtaining an approval of the Ethics Committee for Research on Human Subjects at the affiliated institution. The principal Investigator will start preparing for the preregistration for upcoming research activities.