In this project, we unveil the possibility of identifying and controlling antiferromagnetic (AFM) states in chiral lattice van der Waals (vdW) magnets CoM3S6 (M=Nb,Ta). While maintaining zero-net magnetization, their non-coplanar spin texture allows for effective probing and control via a fictitious magnetic field accompanied by non-trivial Berry curvature. The main achievement can be stated as the discovery of a large spontaneous thermoelectric Nernst effect as a tool to "read out" antiferromagnetic states, large non-reciprocal transport associated with broken symmetries, and the possibility to switch AFM states by electric current. These results suggest CoM3S6 as a promising platform to investigate unexplored features of antiferromagnets with broken symmetries toward the development of new AFM-based multifunctional spin-electronic devices.
すべて 2024 2023
すべて 雑誌論文 (1件) 学会発表 (3件) (うち国際学会 1件)
巻: 2403.01113 ページ: 1-24