研究実績の概要 |
The 200 mg of superconducting k-[ET]4Hg2.89Br8 [k-HgBr] and Mott-insulating k-[ET]4Hg2.78Cl8 (k-HgCl) crystals are synthesized and aligned for the zero (ZF), transverse (TF), and longitudinal-field (LF) muSR experiments. In the k-HgBr, ZF-muSR down to 0.3 K suggest no time-reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting state while LF and TF muSR for determining the Cooper pairing symmetry, have not been performed. In the k-HgCl, the muon Knight shift measurement by the high-TF-muSR has been done for the first time in the world. Susceptibility dependence of the shift showed a non-linearity below 100 K occurring at a higher temperature than that in k-HgBr. We aim to finalize the series of muSR experiments for both samples by the end of next fiscal year.