We synthesized more samples twice the weight of last year sample of k-HgBr and k-HgCl to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. We performed transverse field muSR on k-HgBr sample for the penetration depth measurement in the parallel and perpendicular mode. The muSR measurement on k-HgCl for the spin diffusion measurement down to dilution-refrigerator temperature is continued.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The penetration depth measurement needs to be improved to get solid and complete data set, although an overview summary is being written up.The spin diffusion measurement down to dilution-refrigerator temperature will be conducted in December 2024.
2024: Writing up main papers and execute a continuation. A related project fund has been proposed and applied.
すべて 2024 2023 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (2件) 雑誌論文 (2件) 学会発表 (6件) (うち国際学会 6件、 招待講演 3件)
巻: 245 ページ: 71
Solid State Phenomena
巻: 345 ページ: 47~52