研究実績の概要 |
In the final stages of the project, our attention turned towards investigating the impact of three-body encounters around supermassive black holes. Our analysis, as reported in (2024A&A...683A.135T), revealed that approximately 50% of the sources display detectable eccentricity within the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA band at design sensitivity. Furthermore, our research highlighted the pivotal role of chaos in the three-body problem, as discussed in (arXiv:2403.03247). We emphasized how the presence of regular trajectories poses challenges to the applicability of statistical theories and noted the tendency for such theories to underestimate the coalescence timescale of compact object binaries. Additionally, a significant contribution of our project was the development and publication of the first 1-dimensional active galactic nuclei modeling package (2024MNRAS.tmp.1139G). This package enables the modeling of AGN properties, which are crucial for understanding their interactions with embedded black hole populations. Ultimately, the culmination of our efforts marks a substantial advancement in understanding compact object dynamics within galactic nuclei. Our insights into gravitational wave phenomena and their observable characteristics lay a solid groundwork for future observational and theoretical advancements in astrophysics.