研究実績の概要 |
In the final fiscal year of 2023, we evaluated all results obtained in this project in view of publication missions and exploring new ideas for future studies. (1) To optimize neutron detectors, the stabilization of temperature at 5K was important to obtain high-resolution images under pulsed neutron. In preceding studies, we found the spatial resolution was dependent on the detector position at the central areas or at the detector edges. The delay-line technique is influenced by the propagation-velocity fluctuations in evaluating positions of the images. The temperature stability of neutron detector realized within +/-70 uK reduced such efforts appreciably. (2) We built a new cryostat to mount the test sample at room temperature [1]. This made it possible to apply our method to various different samples. (3) The best resolution was 10um when the sample was placed at cryogenic sample while it was 24um when the sample was placed at room temperature. We can conduct the energy-resolving spectroscopy from 1meV to 500keV [2]. (4) We conducted neutron transmission imaging for various samples such as SmSn3 crystal, FeS2 crystal, Ammonite Fe2O3, and Wood metal alloy [3], and YbSn3 crystal [4]. [1] T. Ishida, T.D. Vu, at al., J. Low Temp. Phys. 214, 152 (2024). [2] T.D. Vu, et al., Invited talks at 4th ICEBA2023 (Dec 8th 2023, HCM, Vietnam). [3] T.D. Vu et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2545, 012019 (2023). [4] H. Shishido, T.D. Vu, et al., J. Appl. Cryst. 56, 1108-1113 (2023).