[備考] ニュースレター (成果公表・アウトリーチ)
[備考] Takasuka, A. et al. (2012) Workshops on growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: the paradigm needs a synthesis. STAGES, 33 (2): 4-5
[備考] Robert, D., Takasuka, A., et al. (2012) In Japan to review the growth-survival paradigm in fisheries oceanography. Québec-Océan Newsletter, 5: 3
[備考] ワークショップ主催 (公開セミナー有)
[備考] Japan-Canada collaboration workshop on "Growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: theory, advance, synthesis, and future" Part III, Yokohama, Japan, November 8-15, 2013
[備考] Workshop on "Comparative study on biological processes of species alternations in the Kuroshio and Humboldt Current systems : Information sharing and preliminary analysis", Yokohama, Japan, October 28 - November 1, 2013
[備考] Japan-Québec collaboration workshop on "Growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: theory, advance, synthesis, and future" Part II, Vancouver, Canada, May 23-26, 2012
[備考] Japan-Québec collaboration workshop on "Growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: theory, advance, synthesis, and future", Yokohama, Japan, October 26 - November 1, 2011