すべて 2013 2012 2011 2010
すべて 雑誌論文 (11件) (うち査読あり 11件) 学会発表 (11件)
IEICE Transactions onInformation and Systems
巻: Vol. E96-D,No.3 ページ: 443-449
Discrete Applied Mathematics
巻: Volume 160 ページ: 1453-1464
DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2012.02.005
The 15th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2012)
ページ: 161--168
2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO2012), Lecture Notes in ComputerScience
巻: Vol.7422 ページ: 332--343
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32147-4_30
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology
巻: Vol.128 ページ: 139-146
URL: http://crpit.com/abstracts/CRPITV128Asahiro.html
17th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
巻: Vol.6842 ページ: 259-270
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22685-4_24
The 2011 InternationalConference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS)
ページ: 102-107
Jounal of Combinatorial Optimization
巻: Vol.22, No.1 ページ: 78-96
DOI: 10.1007/s10878-009-9276-z
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
巻: Vol.22, No.3 ページ: 583-601
DOI: 10.1142/S0129054111008246
巻: Vol.159, No.7 ページ: 498-508
DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2010.11.003
The9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
巻: Vol.6034 ページ: 616-627
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12200-2_53