研究実績の概要 |
Phase A: Analyzing self-controlled initiation of forward gait - Abductive performance: Together with A. Bertinetto, the notion of improvisation as an abductive performance has been developed. This notion provides a conceptual foundation for understanding self-controlled initiation of bodily movement. - Reconsidering the phenomenology of gait initiation, the concept of "performative intentionality" has been developed. Husserl stresses the importance of the objectual function of intentionality; i.e. consciousness is always based on objectually given (perceptual) contents. At the same time, Husserl developed an additional performatice concept of action consciousness. Drawing on experimental evidence from gait rehabilitation, the notion of action consciousness as creating its content through bodily performance has been developed. A related paper is currently under review. - The concept of "phenomenal biomechanics" has been presented at an international workshop of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Phase B: Conceptual-experimental loop - initiation experiment Together with co-researchers from engineering, an experiment for measuring the impact of self-controlled (conscious) initiation on the biomechanical implementation of gait has been prepared. This includes the ethical approval (IRB), the manufacturing and testing of devices for vibrotactile stimulation to deviate the consciousness of the subjects, and test measurements to define the data analysis.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
- Phase A: Analyzing self-controlled initiation of forward gait Together with A. Bertinetto, define the role of habit for self-controlled initiation of bodily movement and co-author a paper; elaborate the notion of conscious efficacy regarding bodily movement; elaborate the relationship between performative intentionality and referent/synergetic control of bodily movement. - Phase B: Conceptual-experimental loop - initiation experiment Conduct the experiment on gait initiation, analyze data, publish results. - Phase C: Building the integrative model of self-controlled gait initation Elaborate Fichte's transcendental approach as a foundation for conscious motor control: "Facts of Consciousness 1810/11", "Wissenschaftslehre 1811"; elaborate the notion of "heterarchy" as the methodological foundation of performative intentionality.