研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 長崎大学 |
研究代表者 |
カトローニ ピノ 長崎大学, 多文化社会学部, 准教授 (30573381)
研究分担者 |
ベー シュウキー 大阪大谷大学, 教育学部, 准教授 (00631251)
今村 圭介 東京海洋大学, 学術研究院, 准教授 (00732679)
研究期間 (年度) |
2022-04-01 – 2026-03-31
キーワード | speaking skills / EFL / task-based learning / WTC / learner autonomy / student-centered / self-regulation / motivation / TBLT |
研究実績の概要 |
In the second year of our project, we managed to accomplish the majority of our goals and appear to be on the schedule we put forth in our proposal. To review, in the first year of our project, we managed to conduct a pilot study to help us clarify the framework of our data analysis. In the second year, we began to collect the data of one of our treatment groups. In Semester 1 of Year 2 of our project, the group that received TBLT took part in a course called Listening and Speaking I. Thus, the goal this year was to collect data from these participants at the beginning and the end of this course. Each participant was given an assessment at two points in time: within five days of treatment beginning (Pre-test), and approximately fourteen weeks later, i.e., within five days of treatment ending (Post-test). Each of these assessments involved participating in a dyadic conversation with a classmate, completing a questionnaire (designed to assess willingness to communicate in English), and being interviewed. The treatment involved fourteen weeks of TBLT instruction using a coursebook called “Welcome to Kyushu, Japan”. Once the data had been collected, the researchers began to transcribe the video conversations and analyze the video-recorded performances of the participants in terms of fluency (temporal and hesitation), syntactic complexity, lexical complexity, and accuracy. Additionally, students' involvement in the conversations was analyzed in terms of how many words they spoke, how many questions they posed, and their WTC scores.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We have managed to collect and analyze data in the first two years of our study as per the original plan. In the first year of the pilot study, we achieved two goals: (1) we were able to clarify the framework for the data analysis of our project moving forward, and (2) we conducted a supplemental analysis regarding the development of learner autonomy through self-regulation techniques in the Japanese EFL context. This study showed that self-regulation had a positive impact on Japanese EFL university students. In the second year of our project, we collected the data from one of our two treatment groups (i.e., the group that received TBLT). Presently, we are in the final stages of analyzing the data in terms of assessing whether this group’s oral competency had improved regarding fluency (temporal and hesitation), syntactic complexity, lexical complexity, and accuracy. Initial analysis suggests that students had made significant improvements, particularly concerning WTC and communicative confidence.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Our first goal moving forward is to continue to collect data for the main part of our study. In Semester 1 of Year 3 of our project, the group that will receive Presentation-Practice-Production (P-P-P) instruction will take part in a course called Listening and Speaking I. Thus, the goal this year is to collect data from these participants at the beginning and the end of this course. Each participant will be assessed at two points in time: within five days of treatment beginning (Pre-test), and approximately fourteen weeks later, i.e., within five days of treatment ending (Post-test). Each of theseassessments will involve participating in a dyadic conversation with a classmate, completing a questionnaire (designed to assess willingness to communicate in English), and being interviewed. The treatment will involve fourteen weeks of P-P-P instruction using a coursebook called“American Headway 2 (3rd edition)”. Once the data has been collected, the researchers will begin to transcribe the video conversations and analyze the video-recorded performances of the participants in terms of fluency (temporal and hesitation), syntactic complexity, lexical complexity, and accuracy. Additionally, students' involvement in the conversations will be analyzed in terms of how many words they spoke, how many questions they posed, and their WTC scores.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |