研究実績の概要 |
The initial results of the research are as follows: Theoretical results: no international consensus on the definition of "short-term" study abroad: STSA refers to an infinite number of lengths of stay. The teachers' point of view of the content and objectives of the stay favored; tendency to make the short stay a reduction of a long stay. Teachers tend to note that STSA is insufficient to develop new language or intercultural skills, so the stay is often accompanied by a preparatory course during a semester and sometimes also by a post-stay course. Thus, STSA is only a parenthesis in a "normal" curriculum. Moreover, STSA becomes a period of hyper control on the part of the teachers. * practical results: Setting up preparation sessions (4 times) before the departure to make the city of Tours, its region, and Paris real before the stay in France ; Implementation of the missions and experimentation on two cohorts of 5 students each; reports from the students in Japanese and French which are accessible through two networks Padlet and Facebook group.The missions are divided into two parts: those of the first week and those of the 2nd and 3rd weeks. Missions are "a la carte".The objectives of the missions of week 1 seem to be fulfilled (first discursive analysis of the interviews with students of both cohorts). New extra-curricular contacts were made to reinforce the students' anchorage in the local society.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The first year of research brought encouraging initial results both on a theoretical level (the impossibility of defining short stays by duration, content, or objectives, but rather as a place of social control "carried" by the teaching staff) and on a practical level (implementation of missions responding to unexpressed student needs, development of a network of local actors-relay, ...). It is mainly in the practical domain that new problems, which we had not anticipated, need to be solved. If the integration of students into the local environment is proven for the first week according to the first data analysis, participation in mandatory missions is facilitated by our presence on-site.