研究実績の概要 |
Informed by the previous work it was decided to create a VR experience with the goal of constructing a Personal Computer (PC). The design of the VR space considered interaction, immersion, user participation and photorealism. The basic components of a PC are a motherboard, RAM, SSD, CPU, GPU, fan, and a power cable. Associated 3D models were purchased from Turbosquid as they were professionally created at an affordable price. An environment in the form of an open lab was next constructed within Unity and the 3D components imported. After that, the interactive process of building the PC was programmed in a specific procedural manner. Personalized support from a NPC was provided by an avatar created in Inworld Studio. The character requires a core description, motivation, identity, personality and emotions, initial facts and knowledge, a preferred voice with varied pitch and speed, and dialogue style. Customizing these settings result in a highly personalized NPC; for instance, a blunt NPC will simply answer a question directly whereas an inquisitive NPC will additionally attempt to engage in off-topic interactions. The Unity Project was then programmed to operate in VR using the Oculus Rift HMD and its associate controllers. Finally, the Inworld AI character; named Bob - was then integrated. Bob was designed to respond to spoken questions, specifically supporting the human interlocutor in building the PC. The interactions can also be off-topic and casual as Bob engages in an uncannily realistic conversation; thereby facilitating the Proteus Effect.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The design, programming and development has been completed and tested. Instruments for data collection tested. Work in progress has been shared internationally, and feedback has enabled improvements. The recent public perception of AI has increased interest.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Given the increased stress reported by learners during the period of online education imposed by supposed pandemic-alleviating lockdowns, measures of cognitive workload and anxiety are captured alongside task completion success and NPC interactions. Each participant will have four measures; (1) time to complete task; (2) interactions with the NPC; (3) EDA score; (4) a NASA-TLX cognitive workload score. It is expected the result will reveal that more successful students will have reduced cognitive workload and anxiety. The content of the interactions will need to be considered though; for example, the participant may enjoy interacting with the NPC and engage in general conversation as human-virtual realism occurs. It is the data from these participants that may prove interesting as an indicator of their developing procedural knowledge, and acceptance of a virtual experience enhanced with AI for offsite learning and the subsequent Proteus Effect. The Task will also be made portable on the Oculus Quest 2.
備考 |
RUNNER UP in the BEST ACADEMIC PAPER category at the 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, May 30 - June 4, 2022, University of Applied Sciences BFI, Vienna, 2022.