研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 会津大学 |
研究代表者 |
Lingle William 会津大学, コンピュータ理工学部, 准教授 (40868486)
研究期間 (年度) |
2022-04-01 – 2025-03-31
キーワード | eye tracking / psycholinguistics / SLA |
研究実績の概要 |
In addition to my studies in psycholinguistics and related fields, I submitted documents to my university in summer 2022 to allow for the purchase of a high-quality eye tracking system. As a result of this process, which was resolved successfully, I have purchased an SR Research Eyelink 1000 Plus system which can record eye movements at a frequency of 1000 Hz. This system is used widely in eye tracking reading experiments because of its precision recording capability and is well suited to my reading research. I have received training from the manufacturer in setup procedures. I have installed this system in a laboratory environment and learned how to use software to design experiments and create data visualizations. Using manufacturer software, I created an experiment that can be run using the tracking hardware and computers in my lab.
I have also applied for and received received ethics approval from my university to begin work with human participants. I have begun recruiting students from my university as paid study participants. I have conducted recording sessions with four students at the time of writing and have collected useful data from these recording sessions. I aim to recruit nine or ten participants for valid data analysis in a pilot study.
I have also begun studying programming in R. I have learned to work with the recorded data which I can export as .csv files. I am now beginning to do descriptive statistical analysis on the recorded data using R. I aim to recruit more students to gather more data to allow for valid tests of my hypothesis.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
My university conducted a competitive bidding process in summer 2022 and the research equipment was delivered by the end of summer. In less than a year, I was able to install the equipment and learn how to use it for data collection. My initial goal was to be ready to conduct a pilot experiment by spring of 2023 at the end of Year 1, and I am currently working on that pilot experiment.
This level of progress required me to accomplish many goals such as learning the principles of valid experimental design, designing an experiment to be run on laboratory computers and equipment, learning how to create data visualizations and reports. Additionally, I received ethics approval and tested the experiment and recording procedures before beginning work with student participants. I was able to do all of this even though for most of this period of time I had a busy teaching schedule. I have also begun learning the R programming language to allow me to conduct the specific data analyses I need to test my hypothesis. I am making steady progress toward that goal also. Because my actual progress is consistent with the goals I set for Year 1, I evaluate my progress as progressing rather smoothly.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During Year 2 (Financial Year 2023), I will continue work on recruiting student volunteers as study participants and aim to complete data recording for a pilot study. Along with analyzing the pilot data, I will continue studying programming and psycholinguistics. I aim to submit the results of my pilot study to a journal. I plan to refine my experimental procedures according to feedback I will request from journal reviewers and other researchers in the field. When this is done I aim to recruit 20 or more students to participate in a larger study. I aim to begin this study by the end of Year 2.
During Year 3, if necessary I will conduct further student volunteer recruiting and continue recording and data analysis. When I have a sufficient amount of data for a valid analysis, I will test my hypotheses with the data gathered from this larger group of participants. Consistent with my initial plan, I aim to submit the results of this analysis to a major international teaching conference or conference in a related field. As a benefit of this research, I hope to derive insights into students' reading behavior and the effects of different types of grammatical structures on their reading comprehension. As a development of this research, I hope to design and test different teaching techniques that are intended to improve students' reading habits and increase their comprehension of academic texts such as research papers.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
There was a small amount of funding remaining at the end of Year 1 (Financial Year 2022) of the grant period. I aimed to begin recording pilot experiments during Year 1 and, if necessary, pay research assistants for programming assistance. My progress to date has been consistent with my plans, although the number of study participants I have recruited so far was not enough to use 100% of the funding available for remuneration expenses. I have also not progressed far enough in my programming study to determine if additional programming help is needed. This is why there was a small amount of unused funding at the end of Year 1.
For Year 2, I plan to recruit more study participants and determine if programming assistance is necessary. I also hope to purchase additional equipment from the manufacturer if possible. The equipment delivered to me included a chin rest which is thinner and less sturdy than the standard model I prefer to use. I hope to use the remaining funding in Year 2 to purchase the stronger chin rest to ensure both high data quality and better comfort for study participants.