研究実績の概要 |
In the fiscal year 2022, the researcher was able to continue the analysis on the effects of fair housing policies using data from Seattle, WA, USA. The researcher presented the preliminary findings at two international conferences: 1. the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management's fall research conference (Nov17-19,2022), 2. the poster session of the American Economic Association's annual conference (Jan6-8,2023). The researcher also worked on projects related to the impact of media. In particular, the researcher presented her work on the impact of vaccine misinformation at two international conferences: 1. the International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications(July20-23,2022) and 2. the 2022 Asian & Australasian Society of Labor Economics conference (Dec8-10,2022).
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The researcher was able to present the study on the impact of fair housing policies at international conferences as planned. The researcher was also able to update her analysis on the impact of vaccine misinformation and present the updated result at conferences as well. In addition, the researcher was also able to explore new projects under the scope of the proposed research plan. In particular, the researcher was able to explore the possibility of evaluating the impact of lead level in water on children outcomes. This project should inform policymakers of the importance of policies regulating the lead level in water. The researcher has looked up the literature and information on the policy changes regarding the lead level in water that could possibly be used for future analysis.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The researcher plan to wrap up the projects on the effects of fair housing policies and vaccine misinformation and try to get them published. The researcher will shift the attention to the project on the impact of media consolidation. In particular, the researcher will finalize the findings and submit the paper to international conferences. At the same time, the researcher plan to start gathering data for the project evaluating the impact of lead level in water on children outcomes.