研究実績の概要 |
Patterson, A. S., & Brotherhood, T. (2023). “The Integration and Support Survey 10 (ISS-10): Quantifying International Faculty Language Support”. Higher Education Quarterly. Brotherhood, T., & Patterson, A. S. (2023). “International faculty: Exploring the relationship between on-campus support and off-campus integration”. Higher Education. Brotherhood, T. (2023). “International student mobility to Japan: Hitting the target, but missing the point”, In Springer Handbook of Childhood and Youth Studies. Brotherhood, T. (2023). “International faculty: Exploring the relationship between on-campus support and off-campus integration”. Paper presented at the RIHE, Japan. Brotherhood, T. (2023). "A conceptual exploration of universities as migration intermediaries". Paper presented at the SRHE, UK.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The conceptual portion of the research was unusually fruitful, which led to some publication opportunities and new avenues for empirical research. As a result, in addition to the planned publications, I was able to create a successful presentation at an international conferece and a third manuscript is in preparation to be submitted to a Q1 journal in the coming months. In addition, Tokyo data collection is proceeding but has not yet been completed. As a result, the regional data collection is only just beginning, which represents a slight delay relative to the original research plan.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In AY2024, I plan to complete data collection in both Tokyo and the Regional areas, complete data analysis, and begin the dissemination of results in both journals and presentations.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Fieldwork is still ongoing, Expenditures will be made to cover the cost of fieldwork that could not be conducted in FY2023. The overall research goal is the same as was originally planned, so it is important to catch up with fieldwork. As stated on the previous page, the following year's research plan includes a large amount of fieldwork and the start of dissemination of the research. As a result, expenses have increased and focus on fieldwork and travel costs. - Tokyo and regional data collection (day trips to research locations to conduct interviews). Qualitative data analysis of interview data. Presentation of preliminary findings at 2 conferences.