研究実績の概要 |
The goal of this study is to identify the key regulatory genes involved in embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). Zygotic embryogenesis is a fundamental developmental process in which a single-celled zygote goes through a series of cell divisions, patterning and cell type specifications to form a complex embryo during eukaryotic sexual reproduction. In the flowering plant Arabidopsis, zygotes divide stereotypically, allowing observation of embryo patterning events and tracing cell lineages. While decades of genetic analyses have identified a number of genes that play vital roles in embryogenesis, the genome-wide analyses were not feasible until recently due to technical difficulties. We utilized published embryonic transcriptome datasets to search for key regulatory genes of embryogenesis as well as to resolve the underlying regulatory networks. With bioinformatics approaches, we selected a number of candidate genes for further validations and analyses. Identifying the key factors involved in embryonic cell divisions and specifications will greatly improve our knowledge of flowering plant embryogenesis mechanisms, which is important for understanding the fundamental biological process enabling multicellular eukaryotic lives.