研究課題/領域番号 |
配分区分 | 基金 |
研究機関 | 東北大学 |
研究代表者 |
市川 温子 東北大学, 理学研究科, 教授 (50353371)
研究分担者 |
NUGENT JOHN 東北大学, 理学研究科, 外国人特別研究員
研究期間 (年度) |
2023-03-08 – 2025-03-31
キーワード | ニュートリノ / ニュートリノ原子核反応 |
研究実績の概要 |
The fellow has participated in 3 data taking campaigns for the T2K experiment operating the WAGASCI detector. This has involved being at J-PARC for a number of weeks during each accelerator run and attending the detector site each day in order to maintain and service the detector hardware. This work has resulted in the doubling of the WAGASCI detector data set. The new data will be vital in making new physics measurements and reducing the statistical uncertainty associated with previous measurements. As the most experience detector export the fellow is now training new students in the procedures associated with the hardware to ensure that WAGASCI can be operated well into the future. The fellow has continued to rationalise the WAGASCI software which is now in a much more robust state and this has greatly reduced the burden on numerous students and researchers in installing and running the code. As such the number of researcher who can contribute to developing future refinements to the reconstruction and analysis software has significantly increased. The fellow has written a technical note(TN) which documents in detail the work for the joint WAGASCI ND280 cross-section analysis. It makes numerous improvements over the previous iteration of TN for WAGASCI in explicitly state various analysis details which were found to be lacking. This will facilitate future analysis work by clarifying the analysis procedure for all students and researchers. This work will shortly be reviewed internally by the collaboration in preparation for a future publication.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The progress is in line with the expectation as the fellow expected to participate in each of the upcoming runs at J-PARC working on the WAGASCI detector and he has done so. During these runs it was his intention to become fully familiar with the detector systems and contribute to the refinement of the detector operations including robust documentation on the detector operation procedures. He has worked directly on these issues and as a consequence WAGASCI is now in a much stronger position when it comes to data taking campaigns. He expected in the year of his fellowship to resolve the outstanding issues with running and installing the WAGASCI by containerising it. This was completed within the first few months of his fellowship position. He has subsequently spent time promoting this change within the WAGASCI group and educating new students and researchers on how to use the software using the technology of containers. This has been successful and this is now the most common way that the software is used and will be the recommended procedure going forward. Bringing together all of his developments on the WAGASCI analysis in a technical note(TN) was a goal. While the TN will be expanded in the future to take into account further sections which describe other developments the writing of this document has already assisted in clarifying several research questions within the WAGASCI group. The fact that this work has been completed in the lifetime of this fellowship is a goal that he was aiming for at the beginning and it has been reached.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The fewllow will attend J-PARC in April/May/June of the coming fiscal year in order to act as WAGASCI detector expert and ensure the smooth operation of the detector and also to train new students and researchers in the operation and maintenance of the detector. Once this data taking campaign is concluded he will return to Tohoku university in order to continue developing the WAGASCI analysis. The WAGASCI software is largely in the state that he wishes it however there remains work to be done on the neutirno flux prediction which is the input to the simulation software. This work will harmonise the software to match the prediction procedure for the other T2K near detectors. He has been leading this work in recent months and want to ensure that it is concluded before the fellowship term ends. This will remain a topic of work in the coming fiscal year. He will further develop the WAGASCI analysis.This will involve implementing detector systematics in our new analysis software framework and expanding the current technical note. The detector systematics will make best use of work which has been developed for the previous iteration of the analysis but expanding it to incorporate the best practices from the learned experiences of the other established near detectors in the new software framework.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |