研究実績の概要 |
In FY2022, substantial progress was made in developing a spatial-based methodological framework to assess the potential benefits of Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) and spatial access equity based on current and scenario-based future Land Use and Land Cover (LULC). The data collection process was completed, with ten target cities selected using multiple criteria, including development status (Global North, or South), climate (northern, southern, and tropical), continent, location (coastal, inland), population, area, altitude, and data availability. Key achievements include the ongoing process of extracting past, current, and scenario-based future LULC using GIS and RS data and techniques. The project has also progressed in defining scenarios for implementing NBSs. A comprehensive literature review on NBS trends, challenges, and opportunities is in progress, with an outline established and developed based on approximately 1,000 relevant papers. Although no papers have been published yet, two papers are in progress and are expected to be submitted later this year. No conferences were attended in FY2022; however, two international conferences are scheduled for FY2023: ISPRS Geospatial Week (Cairo, Egypt), and AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA). An abstract on a comparative study of LULC trends in target cities worldwide has already been submitted to the ISPRS Geospatial Week.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The research project is presently centered around conducting an extensive literature review and completing the initial stages of data analysis. Leveraging satellite imagery data from the Google Earth Engine, past and present Land Use and Land Cover from 1990 to 2020 in our target cities are currently being extracted. Furthermore, the project explores spatial and temporal patterns in accessibility to green spaces. This process involves utilizing deep learning (DL) techniques to extract valuable insights from geotagged photos, focusing on variations in accessibility during different times of the day and across seasons. Currently, we are in the process of developing these DL models and gathering additional data from sources like Flickr. Our literature review is progressing steadily, broadening its scope to include trends, challenges, and opportunities related to the application of GIS and remote sensing in Nature-Based Solutions. This review is expected to provide valuable context and insights for our ongoing research. Concurrently, we are preparing two academic papers based on the research findings obtained thus far. These papers are currently in development and are expected to be submitted later in FY2023.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the remainder of the project period, the research will focus on completing the literature review, simulating future LULC trends for 2030 and 2050, defining and extracting potential ES for various NBS scenarios, and assessing the implemented NBSs in terms of economic value, health benefits, and spatial equity of access to green spaces. The proposed approach is being applied to ten cities located in the Global North and South with distinct characteristics. The optimal NBS scenarios will be selected for better sustainability in the target cities. To promote the research project, results will be disseminated through publications, conference presentations, and possible future collaborations. Presentations at the ISPRS Geospatial Week and AGU Fall Meeting this year are expected to foster networking opportunities and open doors for potential joint research initiatives. Additionally, results might be shared in professional networks (e.g. ResearchGate, LinkedIn) or social media networks (e.g., Twitter). A website page linked to my website on Google Sites (https://sites.google.com/view/ahmedderdouri/home) is being created to share updates, publications, and findings with the broader scientific community. To ensure the project's success, any changes in the research plan or issues encountered during the process will be promptly addressed with appropriate measures. Regular communication with my supervisor Prof. Dr. Takehiro Morimoto and possible collaborators will enable efficient adaptation to unforeseen challenges and ensure the project's objectives are met.