研究課題/領域番号 |
配分区分 | 基金 |
研究機関 | 筑波大学 |
研究代表者 |
安野 嘉晃 筑波大学, 医学医療系, 教授 (10344871)
研究分担者 |
HOSSEIN IBRAHIM 筑波大学, 医学医療系, 外国人特別研究員
研究期間 (年度) |
2023-03-08 – 2025-03-31
キーワード | Dynamic OCT / Intra-tissue activity / Tumor spheroid imaging / Drug testing / Label-free oncology / Ex-vivo tissue functions |
研究実績の概要 |
In FY 2023, our proposed OCT microscope was successfully used for anti-cancer drug response evaluation of the tumor spheroid. The results of two major drug response studies were published as journal papers. The first includes the evaluation of the drug-response patterns of human breast and human colon cancer spheroids, while the second paper involves drug-type dependent response pattern evaluation of human breast cancer spheroid. Development of an integrated microscope of dynamic OCT and cell cultivation chamber has been conducted in FY2023. It allowed longitudinal time-lapse imaging over 100 hours of single tumor spheroid and successfully revealed the fine temporal and spatial responses of human breast cancer spheroids to different anti-cancer drugs. The results of this research have been presented at an international conference (Photonics West, BiOS 2024). A close collaboration research with the members in the host laboratory was conducted. It includes evaluating the renal tubular function and morphology of mouse kidneys, developing a new dynamic OCT algorithm for quantitative assessment of intracellular activities, developing an in-vivo dynamic OCT method using hardware and software motion suppression methods, neural network-based high-speed dynamic OCT imaging and tissue density estimation. In addition, an investigation of the dynamic OCT signal properties and its relation to intracellular activities was conducted. The results of these researches were published either as co-authoring journal papers or presented at international and domestic conferences.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
So far, we believe that the project progress goes smoothly. This was confirmed by the research achievements as follows. Two journal papers demonstrating the success of the proposed OCT microscope for the anti-cancer drug response assessment of tumor spheroid were first authored by the JSPS fellow and published in FY2023. The results were also presented in several international and domestic conferences presentations. In FY2023, the JSPS fellow also successfully developed an integrated microscopic system of OCT microscope and cultivation chamber for longitudinal tumor spheroid drug response assessment. The time-lapse drug response imaging of tumor spheroid was performed over 100 hours. The results were promising and further brings the proposed OCT microscope to practical use as a tool for tumor spheroid based anti-cancer. The results and presented in an international conference and are going to be published as a journal paper in FY2024. In addition, several ongoing researches, including developing several functional extensions of the proposed OCT microscope, are done collaboratively with the host laboratory members. The JSPS fellow is actively involved in these researches and was included as a coauthor for several papers and conference presentations.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In FY2024, I’m going to proceed with the development of the integrated dynamic OCT microscope and cell cultivation chamber. Several experiments and studies are going to be conducted to demonstrate the utility of this integrated system for longitudinal time-lapse evaluation of the tumor spheroid drug response. The results of this study will be published as a journal paper. More quantitative evaluation of the tissue activity, including quantification of the tumor spheroid tissue activity alteration under anti-cancer drug administration, will be conducted using our newly proposed dynamic OCT algorithm. We will proceed with the development of in-vivo dynamic OCT technique using a hybrid hardware and software motion suppression method and integrate it with our OCT microscope. Tissue microstructure evaluation via polarization analysis will be integrated into our OCT microscope. An optic axis orientation algorithm, which is newly developed in the host laboratory is going to be adapted to the proposed OCT microscope. It will allow the assessment of fibrous structures and extracellular matrix abnormalities. The above-mentioned developments will increase the tissue specificity of our proposed OCT microscope. Using the proposed microscope, we are going to perform several pre-clinical studies including longitudinal drug type- and drug concertation-dependent tumor spheroid response pattern evaluation, ex-vivo tissue biopsies investigation, and in-vivo drug response evaluation of small animal (mouse and zebrafish) tumor models will be investigated.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
In the next fiscal year, I’m planning to proceed with the study of the longitudinal time-lapse evaluation of the tumor spheroid drug response using our developed integrated system of dynamic OCT microscope and cell cultivation chamber. The experiments are going to be held in FY2024 and they require the purchase of some gadget. In addition, I will publish this study as a journal paper, which requires publication fees. So, I carried over an amount of 264,038 JPY to cover the costs of the experiments and journal publication fees. Additionally, we plan to do several pre-clinical studies as explained in our future plan. Performing these experiments will require the purchase of several gadgets including chemicals, drugs, data storage, and so on. So, we carried over the amount of 264,038 JPY to cover a part of these purchases.