研究実績の概要 |
The main goal of the project is to establish useful approaches to describe the resources contained in quantum processes (quantum channels and more general higher-order quantum transformations) and to understand the advantages that they can provide in different settings. During this early phase of the project, we focused on two tasks: (1) finalizing some research developments that began before the JSPS project started, but are directly related to the topic of the project; (2) exploring new mathematical methods and approaches in the study of quantum resources. With regards to point (1), this led to a publication ["One-shot yield-cost relations in general quantum resource theories", PRX Quantum 3, 010348 (2022)] and another paper which is currently in preparation with collaborators. In particular, the published work is concerned with improved bounds for the conversion of quantum resources in noisy settings, which includes also transformations of resources of quantum channels. For point (2), we have managed to establish a new approach to the characterization of quantum resources of quantum states, which is able to overcome the limitations of many previous methods and to tightly describe the capabilities of stochastic (probabilistic) resource transformations. This result was published ["Probabilistic transformations of quantum resources", Physical Review Letters 128, 110505 (2022)] and presented as a talk at the international conference Quantum Information Processing (QIP) 2022.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
We were able to develop a novel approach to constraining the probabilistic transformations of quantum states, which was not planned in the initial proposal for the project. This led to a publication in a high-impact journal and a contributed presentation at the leading international conference in quantum information theory, showing the significance of our findings.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The next part of the project will focus on two paths. First, we will aim to generalize some of the approaches that we have developed for quantum states (e.g. concerned with probabilistic transformations) so that they can be applied to quantum channels and processes. Second, we will work more directly on the study of higher-order quantum operations, aiming to connect our methods with the developments that have been occurring in the study of problems such as manipulation of quantum channels with indefinite causal order. The broad scope of the approach will allow us to relate more closely to other ongoing research in the group, but also to work with external collaborators who are experts in related techniques.