研究実績の概要 |
During the second year, Nurul obtained some additional funds from Kyoto University and together with this kaken budget, she invited Professor Sloane-White from Delaware University (US), an anthropologist who specializes in gender in contemporary Malay society. During Professor Sloane-White's one month stay in Kyoto, Nurul and I were able to organize two seminars, one session with graduate students, and one workshop on gender in Malaysia where young scholars from both Japan and abroad presented on current state of gender-related issues in Malaysia, along with Nurul herself, to which Professor Sloane-White commented. All in all, these occasions stimulated much discussion both among scholars interested in gender and Islam, women in business, and gender more generally. Also, by inviting Professor Sloane White and holding these events, we were able to encourage graduate students at various stages of their research to continue their research and to present in an international setting. Nurul herself also had the opportunity to present at a workshop with Korean scholars in May on cross-border situations and marriage, and in October, she was invited to present in a conference on Islamic law at the Nederlands Institute in Rabat, Morocco. As in the first year, in her second year too, she visited Japanese scholars in various parts of the country to widen her network, especially among scholars of Islam and gender. She was also able to revise and submit her book manuscript based on her PhD dissertation.