現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
I commenced with manually digitizing the base text of Zeami’s Fushikaden as printed in Omote Akira’s standard edition in the Nihon Shiso Taikei anthology for the first research paper about agency as a characteristic of gender performances. For that paper, I compared findings in my digitization with the machine analysis of the UTAHI digital corpus of noh scripts, including plays no longer in the repertoire. Maintenance of metadata for the noh plays has required careful evaluations of the plays, including cross-checking reference materials and research on play authorship. I am currently writing the first paper.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
To conclude the first stage, I will analyze the texts digitized thus far to understand the modern reception history of Zeami’s critical writings. At the Yoshida Memorial Museum in Niigata I will consult material about Yoshida Togo’s editorial work on Zeami’s writings. In the second stage, my primary focus will shift to the collection, transcription, correction, and collation of the manuscript facsimiles of Fushikaden making use of the Hosei University archives and the rich resources available at various Japanese archives and private collections. These transcriptions will then be analyzed, and their characteristics compared with conventional text genealogies. At this stage, I will need to travel to archives in Nara and Kansai to consult original documents and meet with scholars there.