研究実績の概要 |
We found that CA2 can differentially impact hippocampal network dynamics across behavioral state. During ripples silencing CA2 reduces network synchronization and weakens cross-frequency coupling and memory replay in CA1. During locomotion CA2 inhibition leads to a slower emergence of place fields and poorer lap-by-lap stability ,while during pausing periods, inhibition rsulted in reduced excitability of CA1 pyramidal cells. A novel convolutional neural network model confirmed our results on the population level, suggesting a functional role of CA2 in organizing and differentiating hippocampal network dynamics under distinct behavioral states. These results provide an overall viewpoint for novel functional roles of CA2, not only in organizing SWRs during quiet rest but also impacting learning-associated plasticity during locomotion and supporting spatial coding during awake immobility. These results have been summarized and published in Hippocampus (He et al., 2023).