研究実績の概要 |
The key idea of this project is investigating new-type photon blockade effects for manipulating quantum correlations with non-Hermitian strategies. Specifically, we have studied: (i) Backscattering-Immune Photon Blockade (under review in Physical Review Letters; co-corresponding author). We propose how to realize backscattering-immune single-photon blockade by introducing a nanotip near a nonlinear optical cavity. Our work opens a route towards generating and protecting fragile quantum resources with unique applications for robust quantum devices at the single-photon level. (ii) Quantum nonreciprocity in a non-Hermitian atom-light system (under review in Nature Photonics; co-first author). We find that by exchanging the input and output directions of the same chiral light, bipartite quantum correlations of photons can surprisingly emerge in a highly nonreciprocal way, i.e., the correlations exist only in a chosen direction but none at all in the other direction.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Our research focus on the theoretical studies of photon blockade effects with exceptional points. In FY2022 and FY2023, we have explored such novel quantum effect, namely exceptional photon blockade [Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100430 (2022)], and also studied its potential application, i.e., revival of quantum effect with the help of loss, and quantum switch of single- or two-photon devices by tuning loss [Physical Review A 106, 043715 (2022)], as well as backscattering-immune quantum correlations [under review in Physical Review Letters]. These works meet the goals of this project: to implement novel photon blockade effects with exceptional points in optical cavities, and to improve the performance of single-photon devices in quantum information processing. Moreover, we studied nonreciprocal quantum correlation in a non-Hermitian system (under review in Nature Photonics).