研究実績の概要 |
This research aims to reveal the dynamics of organic matter cycling in marine sediments using amino acids as the representative materials, and the stable carbon isotope composition of amino acids is chosen to be an important tool. In the first year, I developed a reliable analytical method for stable carbon isotope analysis of amino acids in sediment samples based on a multi-dimensional HPLC and nano-EA/IRMS system. Although this method was not applicable to some amino acids, 10 major amino acids in marine sediments could be successfully analyzed. The new method dramatically improved the precision and accuracy of the stable carbon isotope analysis of amino acids, and is expected to be widely applied in the future. Based on this method, I analyzed stable carbon isotope compositions of amino acids in four sediment samples from two sediment cores taken from NW Pacific and Japan Sea, respectively. Although these samples have different ages and sedimental environments, preliminary results show that stable carbon isotope compositions of amino acids in these samples have an astonishingly similar pattern, indicating that cycling of amino acids in these sediments were controlled by the same factor in the early diagenesis.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In this year, I have successfully developed a reliable analytical method for stable isotope analysis of amino acids in sediment samples with high precision and accuracy. Although this method is still not applicable to some amino acids, 10 major amino acids in marine sediments can be analyzed. With the new method, I have successfully analyzed several marine sediment samples. So, in general, the research proceeded smoothly.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the next year, I will further improve the analytical method in order to analyze amino acids which cannot be analyzed by the current method. A new liquid chromatography column, Hypercarb column, will be tested for the isolation of amino acids. Meanwhile, I will keep working on the analysis of sediment samples using the current method. Further analysis of amino acids in these samples will be conducted after the improvement of method is finished.