研究実績の概要 |
In the first year (April 2022 - March 2023), I was able to make progress on my planned research and obtained good results, as I expected. My project progress during this year is as follows: (1)I performed transient assay using the LPU1 promoters of six accessions which contain many polymorphisms, and revealed that LPU1 promoters of these accessions had remarkably stronger activity than Col.0. The result suggested that some of the nucleotide polymorphisms found in promoters are responsible for their more potent activity, leading to higher LPU1 expression levels and Pi uptake activity in the corresponding accessions. (2)I investigated the contents of four phospholipids (PI, PA, PG, and PC) and three glycolipids (MGDG, DGDG, and SQDG) in the leaves and purified chloroplasts of WT, oslpu1-KO and OsLPU1-OX seedlings grown under control and low Pi condition. I found under control condition, the lipid content of WT, oslpu1-KO and OsLPU1-OX seedlings was almost the same. Under Pi-deficient conditions, Pi deficiency-induced changes in phospholipid and glycolipid contents were alleviated in oslpu1-KO seedlings. Principal component analysis (PCA) was also performed. Two profiles observed under control and low Pi conditions were evidently separated in samples from WT and OsLPU1-OX plants but not in samples from oslpu1-KO plants.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
As mentioned above, I have carried out most of the experiments planned for the first year and have successfully demonstrated that the function of chloroplastic Sec14-like protein LPU1 and its homolog in rice, OsLPU1, played a vital role in plant growth, especially under phosphate deficient condition. And both LPU1 and OsLPU1 were involved in Pi acquisition and lipid remodeling. Furthermore, a paper summarizing these research results was published in Plant Physiology in April 2023 (Yang et al. 2023 Plant Physiology, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiad212). Based on these facts, this research project is progressing well according to the original plan for the last year. On the other hand, the originally planned experiments to reveal the function of LPU1 in phospholipid metabolism will be continued in the following years.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the current study, I found that the function of LPU1 and its homolog in rice were strongly associated with differences in Pi uptake activity and were involved in Pi acquisition and lipid remodeling. However, since LPU1 is the chloroplastic Sec14-like protein, it is difficult at this stage to precisely discuss the molecular basis of enhanced Pi uptake and improved Pi deficiency responses in overexpression plants. Therefore, I will explore the possibility that chloroplastic Sec14-like proteins are additional regulators of Pi metabolism in the chloroplast. The related experiments described in the research plan will be performed in the following years.