研究実績の概要 |
50 reservoir samples and 7 lake and pond samples were taken across Japan from Okinawa to Hokkaido. The characterization of reservoir samples in terms of water chemistry and absorption spectra indicated that major variations in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) were molecular structures and compositions. Quantum yield for photo-production of singlet oxygen of the reservoirs are close to river and lakes dominated by terrestrial DOM but lower than water bodies dominated by microbial DOM.Linear (single and multiple) and non-linear models (machine-learning) were developed and can be used to estimate quantum yield with a high accuracy for reservoirs.In addition, the models can be additionally used for estimating quantum yidl in lakes, ponds, and referenced DOM samples.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Since this reservoir only focus on reservoirs, or we can say freshwater system, it is necessary to generalize the model to a universal model that can be used also in seawater. However, in seawater, it contains salts which may influence the photo-production of reactive intermediates. Thus, future can pay attention to the effects of those salts on quantum yield for photo-production of reactive intermediates and modeify the model or develop a new model.