研究実績の概要 |
During the 2022 fiscal year, the applicant has continued the research on the anomalous Hall and magnetoresistance effect of Ag2CrO2. Varying the thickness of Ag2CrO2 has led to a strong dependence of the anomalous Hall effect and linear magnetoresistance of the material, indicating a large change in the magnetic properties of the material with respect to thickness and the quality of the samples. Currently, further experiments are being performed to investigate the origin of such a behavior, such as extrinsic scattering effects due to fluctuations of spins or the spin structure of the frustrated spin system. Spin transport devices of Ag2CrO2 has also been fabricated in order to investigate the effect of frustrated spins on the spin current. Although some successful devices were measured, further trial is required to accurately evaluate the spin Hall effect in Ag2CrO2. Furthermore, the applicant has started to perform electrical and spin transport measurements on PdNi, a related frustrated material, in order to compare its electrical and spin transport behavior to Ag2CrO2. Further experiment is being performed to understand the relation between the spin current and frustrated spin systems.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
In this fiscal year, the applicant has continued the study of spin dynamics and its relation to the conduction properties through electrical transport. The new phenomena that were observed in the frustrated classical spin system Ag2CrO2 has led to fruitful findings on the possible effect of spin fluctuations on the Hall and magnetoresistance of the material. Moreover, the thickness dependence provided insight into the relation between the magnitude of the Hall effect with respect to the sample dimensionality and quality. Overall progress surpasses the initial expectations, since the electrical transport alone has provided much information of the dynamics of spins in these low dimensional magnetic materials.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the next fiscal year, the applicant will summarize the results of Ag2CrO2 in order to submit to an academic journal. In terms of the experimental research, spin transport measurements on Ag2CrO2 and PdNi should provide further information on the relationship between the pure spin current and fluctuating localized magnetic moments. Moreover, the applicant aims to perform Hall measurements in the two dimensional antiferromagnet CeTe3 and its Se-doped counterpart, in order to understand the transport phenomena induced by the frustrated f-orbital magnetic moments. This should provide further information on not only the thermal fluctuations of the localized moments, but also the quantum fluctuations and its relation to the observed spin structure in CeTe3 and its Se-doped counterpart.