研究実績の概要 |
During this fiscal year we conducted a sampling trip in collaboration with the researchers from the IRD (Research Institute for Development, France) collected fishes from mangrove lagoon in Borake New Caledonoia. This site is subjected to low pH during the outgoing tide which simulate predicted conditions of OA by the end of the century. We collected five species for a total of 149 fishes. The species collected include three species of damselfish Dascyllus aruanus, Chromis viridis, Pomacentrus moluccensis, and two species of cardinal fish Zoramia leptacantha, and Zoramia viridiventer. RNA was extracted from the brain and gills of the samples and sequenced and we are currently working on the data analysis. We also extracted DNA from 136 fin clips of Pomacentrus coelestis collected in and around a CO2 seep in Shikine, Japan to examine the population structure of fishes found at the seep. Results from environmental DNA (eDNA) collected at the Shikine CO2 seep was presented at the Australia & New Zealand Environmental DNA Conference. Hobart, Tasmania February 2023.