研究概要 |
糖尿病性臓器障害のメカニズムを研究し下記の学術論文を報告した。(1)Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2011 (in press). (2) Pathology International. 2011; 10: 1440-1450. (3) Toxicology. 2011;279,91-99. (4) Pharmaceuticals. 2011; 4: 551-566. (5) European J Pharmacology. 2011; 652:126-135. (6) Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2011; 34:974-979. (7) ISRN Pharmacology. 2012 (in press). (8) Free Radical Research.2012(in press). (9) Free Radical Research. 2012 (in press). (10) Hypertension Res. 2012 (in press). (11) Experi Biol Med. 2012 (in press) (12) Heart and Vessels. 2011;26:81-90. (13) Inter J of Biol Scie. 2011;7:154-167. (14) Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011;27:487-496.