研究実績の概要 |
During the 2023 fiscal year, I conducted a qualitative study with 9 in-service secondary teachers in Japan. Findings were presented in a conference in March, 2024. Data was collected through classroom observations and interviews. The goal of the study was to fulfill the aims of Stage 1 of my research plan, that is to identify and analyze teachers' practice and challenges in implementing task-based interaction. The main findings indicated that appropriate materials were needed, especially for cognitively difficult content and text-based lessons for senior high school students. Some teachers had developed strategies for successful task implementation, which could be shared as best practices. Finally, teachers wanted to know more about the learning outcomes of the tasks they implemented in their classrooms. They welcomed collaboration with university researchers. In the 2023 fiscal year, I also spent several months at Georgetown University where I attended multiple discussion and lectures on task-based learning with Dr. Alison Mackey, Dr. Lara Bryfonski, their colleagues and students. At Georgetown University, I gave a presentation titled "Overcoming challenges in promoting interaction in L2 language classrooms: Learners, tasks, teachers, and community" on Oct. 20, 2023. The presentation highlighted factors crucial to task implementation such as storyline, task structure, the role of facilitators in the classroom, scaffolding, and emotional support for younger learners.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During fiscal year 2024, I plan to move forward with obtaining data in the North American context in collaboration with Dr. Lara Bryfonski at Georgetown University. Also, I plan to implement a teacher training module for pre-service teachers that includes task design for secondary school students, task implementation, and collaborative reflection. I hope to present the results of the teacher training module at the TBLT 2025 conference in Groningen, The Netherlands, in April, 2025.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
In fiscal year 2023, I was not able to travel to Houston to present at the American Association of Applied Linguistics due to conflict in schedule at my university. Also, I was not able to collect data in the. U.S. Therefore, I will make up these research activities in 2024. In fiscal year 2024, I plan to use funds to pay additional participants in my study (pre-service and in-service teachers) who will participate in the teacher training module. I also plan to travel to The Netherlands in March 2025 to present my research findings.