研究実績の概要 |
The goal of the research for year 2022 (R 4) was defined as investigation of nanosecond-pulsed-electric-field induced cavitation/shock wave streaming microjet; quantitative evaluation of in-vitro and ex-vivo deliveries; and publication. According to the plan, electrodes with minimize erosion and appropriate nozzle configuration for nanosecond pulse discharge microjet delivery were designed and tested. The ultra-high-speed real-time highly magnified optical setup, which was constructed last year, was used to evaluate the microfluidic and flow physics of the electric discharge induced microstreaming for different applied energies. A manuscript from results has been prepared for submission to a high impact journal. Experiments were performed to evaluate microjet penetration depth and volume in ex-vivo vaccine/drug deliveries. Experiments have been continued to conjugate new protein nanoparticles to minimize the drug/vaccine volume, a new manuscript from the results has been prepared. For quantitative evaluation, in-vitro and ex-vivo microscopic visualization of microjets in skin, soft tissue, and tumor models were performed. In-vivo experiments were performed to understand effects of microjet and shock waves microstreaming on cells. The interesting results was published in an article, additional manuscript has been prepared and is under submission. Histological evaluations of ex-vivo samples have been underway.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Based on progress achieved during year 2022 (R 4), measures have been taken for the research to advance as planned. Further publication, international conference presentation, and international collaborations have been planned to advance the research.