研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 明治大学 |
研究代表者 |
アダムス アンドリュー 明治大学, 経営学研究科, 教授 (90581752)
研究分担者 |
村田 潔 明治大学, 商学部, 教授 (70229988)
折戸 洋子 愛媛大学, 法文学部, 准教授 (70409423)
新保 史生 慶應義塾大学, 総合政策学部, 教授 (20361355)
上杉 志朗 松山大学, 経営学部, 教授 (70341279)
研究期間 (年度) |
2012-04-01 – 2015-03-31
キーワード | Privacy / Surveillance / Social Networking / Security |
研究概要 |
International Comparative Studies on Attitudes to Privacy and Surveillance: Two major surveys were translated and deployed in 2013-14: A survey previously carried out by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in the US comparing US, Chinese and Indian Social Network Site (SNS) users' attitudes to privacy issues on SNS platforms; A survey previously carried out by researchers at Queens University in Canada gathering data on attitudes to issues of surveillance and related matters of privacy, deployed in the US, Canada and the UK. The results of these surveys from Japanese participants have been received from the survey deployment company and are being analysed statistically. Ownership of Devices: Prof Adams has been developing an analysis of the philosophical, social and legal concept of ownership as it applies to modern computer and communication devices, particularly smartphones, tablet computers and laptops, and the implications for user privacy and security. The difference between a traditional desktop or laptop computer, in which the owner (sometimes the user and sometimes their employer/parent/etc.) of the machine controlled what software was running on the machine (down to the operating system) and the new wave of smartphones and tablet computers (including some differences and similarities between the major platforms: iOS, Android, Windows) have been considered. The results of this consideration have been presented at two major international events and are being developed for submission as a journal paper in 2014.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
One thing which has been delayed is the second meeting between international collaborators and PI/CoIs (see section on remaining budget). This will, however, allow the international collaborators to discuss the results of the analysis of the surveys deployed in 2013.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The results from the surveys deployed in 2013-14 will be statistically analysed and the results prepared as journal papers, together with appropriate collaborators (most of whom are international collaborators or CoIs on the project). On 10-11 July, we will host the 4th international conference of the Asian Privacy Scholars Network. We are negotiating with the Journal of Law, Information and Science for a special issue on papers from the conference, again.Timed to conincide with the APSN conference a two day meeting of the PI/CoIs and some of the international collaborators will take place on 14-15 July. The following papers are expected to be written and submitted this year: Annotated Timeline of Japanese Government ID Systems; Who Owns My Device; Japanese CCTV Empirical Research Results; A paper based on the eye-tracking experiment data; Multiple Papers from the Survey Analyses Further small-scale surveys are in development, which will be analysed and written up for conference presentation and/or journal submission this year: International survey on attitudes to government surveillance and the Snowden revelations - International survey on attitudes to privacy after death, and a consideration of the rights of the dead in international privacy/data protection laws.
次年度の研究費の使用計画 |
The original plan called for two meetings with the international collaborators in 2012 and 2013. Due to scheduling issues, the second meeting could not be held in late 2013 as originally planned and it has been moved back to July 2014. The second meeting will be held in July 2014 instead of December 2013.