研究実績の概要 |
I have clarified the - at times nervous - relationship between passions and civic discourse in Ancient Greek literature. The results have also started me on the path to writing a philological commentary on the comic poet Philemon. I therefore believe the results will reach a large audience of scholars of Ancient Greek literature. The main points that have become clear and discussed in detail in my articles: an unease at the public display of passions, a preference for using passions as a weapon against political or cultural opponents by denigrating their 'masculinity', an awareness of a pragmatic approach to passions which can be seen in public efforts to channel unavoidable passions into harmless pursuits. Display of wealth in contexts of public service (leitourgia) was allowed but spending large sums on food or sex was seen as unmanly, debilitating, leading to servitude and openness to simple bribery. Accusations directed at passions never lost their political charge.