現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
本年度は様々な交通機関や交通流動に関する実証分析を下記のとおり国際的な学術誌あるいはハンドブックにおいて公刊した(すべて査読有り)ことをもって上述の判断とする: “The Decoupling of Affluence and Waste Discharge under Spatial Correlation: Do Richer Communities Discharge More Waste? (with Daisuke Ichinose and Masashi Yamamoto)," Environment and Development Economics, volume 20, issue 02, pp. 161-184. “Social efficiency measurement and comparison of airlines and railway companies in Japan's domestic intercity travel market (with Tae H. Oum and Somchai Pathomsiri),” Research in Transport Economics: Intercity Transport and Climate Change: Strategies for Reducing the Carbon Footprint, Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Shigeru Morichi, Tae Hoon Oum, and Werner Rothengatter Eds., Springer, January 2015. "Does the NIMBY strategy really promote a self- interest?: Evidence from England's waste management policy (with Masashi Yamamoto)," Chapter 6 in Handbook on Waste Management by Thomas C. Kinnaman and Kenji Takeuchi, Edward Elgar Publishing, 30 May 2014.