研究概要 |
I published the first measurement of the local superluminous supernova (SLSN) rate and I began work on a new method to identify superluminous supernova candidates from imaging survey data. I used a small but complete sample to measure the nearby (z~0.2) rate of SLSN. To do this, I first published a paper on the rate of Type Ia supernovae from the same survey data. I found that previous publications of the Type Ia rate may be biased and may have under-counted the true event rate. In my SLSN rate paper, I found that there is about 1000 normal supernova for every one SLSNe, which demonstrates how rare these events are. In FY2013, I worked to identify the first Type Ia supernova seen through a strong gravitational lens. The object, PS1-10afx, was originally presented as a new type of superluminous supernova. However, given my studies of superlumious supernova, I found that the object was completely different from all known SLSN. Instead, I found it closely resembled a Type Ia supernova, but it was simply too bright. Working with other researchers at Kavli IPMU, we published a paper explaining how gravitational lensing could make a normal Type Ia supernova look like PS1-10afx. We followed this work up with a second paper demonstrating the existence of the gravitational lens. We additionally published a new technique for identifying such gravitationally lensed supernovae in the future and separating them from superluminous supernovae.