研究概要 |
A new permanent-magnet electron-beam ion trap apparatus optimised for use at a synchroton radiation or free-electron laser beamline has been designed during this project. The design goals were i) to use permanent magnets, avoiding costs and complexity of superconducting magnets, ii) optimise the design to achieve a field strength of over 1 T, iii) maximise the field-of view to the trap region, iv) electron beam parameters of 1 mA, 5 keV. The vacuum chamber, magnetic pole pieces, and other parts of the magnetic circuit were designed, constructed, and tested. An electron gun system was also designed, constructed, and tested. The current status is that a field strength of 0.6 T has been reached, using 8 out of a possible 32 magnets. An electron beam of current 0.5 mA and energy 500 eV has successfully been passed through the trap.