研究概要 |
An overview of the industry, the current situation, issues of concern and directions to pursue for the strategic development of the health-related tourism industry in each of the three countries were investigated. (1) Publications in journal articles, book chapters, and media reports on medical/health tourism in Japan, Singapore, and Hungary were collected. (2) Stakeholder interviews in Japan (public officials in Japanese Central Government, Japan Tourism Bureau, travel agencies, universities, etc.) in Beppu (pilot study) and Tokyo (main survey) were conducted. (3) Stakeholder interviews in Singapore (staff in Singapore Tourism Bureau, hospitals, travel agency, hotels, pharmaceutical industry, consultation, etc.) were carried out. (4) A refereed conference proceeding paper designed and written from the research project was presented in an international academic conference held in the United Kingdom. (5) Collecting and analyzing all data from the activities above, the researcher could successfully comprehend the theoretical understanding, current trend, opportunities, challenges, and interesting issues of medical/health tourism in the three countries investigated for the research project.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
The researcher was able to gather data on medical/health tourism in the three countries under investigation - Japan, Singapore and Hungary - by reviewing a variety of published materials. This research was expanded by conducting stakeholder interviews with a range of stakeholders in two of the relevant countries, Japan and Singapore. These interviews enabled the researcher to more deeply comprehend the state of medical/health tourism in the two countries. The researcher compiled the results of the research up to this point into a refereed conference proceeding paper presented at the 4th International Conference in Destination Branding and Marketing (DBM). The researcher had planned to conduct stakeholder interviews in Hungary but had to postpone the plan due to the coordinator becoming unavailable.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The researcher will carry out stakeholder interviews in Hungary as planned, though later than initially scheduled, in order to successfully complete the set of stakeholder interviews. The research will be furthered by conducting questionnaires in Japan, Singapore and Hungary. These questionnaires will target foreign tourists and aim to elucidate the relation between tourists' medical/health-related interest and their decision-making about their tourist destinations. After completing the questionnaire survey, the researcher will analyze the collected data to compare medical/health tourism in the three countries. This will form a foundation for making suggestions about the optimal management and marketing strategies for the Japanese medical/health tourism industry in the future.