研究実績の概要 |
In the second year of the project, continued working on the topics started in the first year and added studies of the direct coupling between ultrasound and magnetization. The latter topic focusses on the magnetoelastic constant that generates a coherent mixing of the magnons and phonons that may be called magnon-polaron. One of the implications is the generation of magnetization dynamics by ultrasound as reported earlier by experiments in the Saitoh group. We edited a special issue of Solid State Communications on the topic of Spin Mechanics. We also developed a theory of ac-spin transfer torque ferromagnetic resonance in bilayers with magnetic insulators that operates on the basis of the spin Hall magnetoresistance reported last year and compare with experiments carried out in the Munich group. In collaboration with the Groningen group, we report the discovery of the spin Peltier effect.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The coupling of spin and mechanical angular momentum are addressed by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation coupled to continuum mechanics to describe the magnetism of cosmic clouds, acoustic spin pumping, and nanomotors. We will investigate (i)the coupled lattice magnetization dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles, (ii) laser-induced spatiotemporal magnetization dynamics as affected by the magnetoelastic coupling, (iii) Boltzmann-level transport equations for heat and spin currents taking disorder and magnon-phonon interactions in account in order to better understand spin caloritronic phenomena such as the spin Seebeck effect, (iv)liquid metal flow actuated by spin injection as well as its reciprocal, i.e. the spin current generation by the flow of liquid metal, with angular momentum transfer between a liquid and electron spins in terms of an antisymmetric stress tensor in the equation of fluid motion, and (v)spin-orbit interaction and (topological) magnetization textures.