In H27 we continued research on contact planning for the particular cases. We developed a controller that embed multi-robot systems and solve the multi-contact problem at once. We also investigated contact on deformable (walking) by achieving different experiments involving human motion capture with force shoes. We are still analyzing the data prior to experimenting contact transitions tests on mattresses. For WP2, we further combined contact-invariant planning with local QP controller as these were two separate modules. In WP3 we had bought force-sensing devices to investigate contact inverse problems in multi-contact grasping that will path the way for further extensions concerning whole-body multi-contact motion. We monitored interaction forces when human manipulate various objects and try to identify inverse optimal problem of the motions that are generated. Finally, we assessed the results obtained in this project with challenging scenarios that can be used in planning complex multi-contact general-purpose tasks. Our planner was used in planning ingress/egress utility vehicles or personal cars, climbing different ladders in different conditions (this was started in H26) and extremely cumbersome environments and narrow passages. These were demonstrated in real humanoid platforms (HRP-2 and HRP-4). We participated to the DARPA challenge with the AIST-NEDO team in the driving utility-car and climbing stairs scenarios.
すべて 2016 2015
すべて 雑誌論文 (3件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件、 謝辞記載あり 2件、 オープンアクセス 1件) 学会発表 (4件) (うち国際学会 4件) 図書 (1件)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
巻: PP ページ: 14
Autonomous Robots
巻: 40(3) ページ: 561-580
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
巻: PP ページ: 13