研究概要 |
In cooperation with Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, Japan, and National College, Kathmandu, Nepal, the following research activities were carried out in 2013: (1)Development of a comparative survey for data collection focusing on sustainable tourism development, incorporating indicators which were developed and piloted from earlier research from 2010 to 2012.(2)Development of a questionnaire for data collection focusing on the identification of factors of a sustainable business model in waste management and recycling. (3)Development of a questionnaire to investigate the socio-economic sustainability of women farmers.(4)Development of a one-day school activity focusing on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).(5)Data was collected on sustainable tourism development in five locations, using the survey on sustainable tourism development.(6)Data was collected through two Non-Government Organizations using the questionnaire on waste management and recycling. (7)Data was collected using the questionnaire on the socio-economic sustainability of women farmers. (8)An ESD school program was carried out and data was collected using a pre and post questionnaire. (9)Presentations were given at both international and national conferences and papers were submitted.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Based on our previous research (2008-2012) we identified the tourism industry and recycle business sectors as key components for creating a sustainable society in both urban and rural communities in Nepal. This year we gathered data from key stakeholders connected to tourism and waste recycle businesses, and as a result, we could identify the common problems as well as the best practices in each of these business sectors. In this year the research has progressed very smoothly.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
We will use this year’s findings to develop a set of indicators which can measure “eco” business sustainability at the community level in Nepal. We aim to pilot these indicators in the research in 2014. In addition, we will collaborate with the Nepal Environment and Tourism Initiative Foundation to identify sustainable practices, including waste management for the tourism sector. Finally, we will investigate best practices for sustainable farming methods in Nepal in order to address the socio-economic needs of women farmers.