研究実績の概要 |
This project focuses on the development of new algorithmic and mathematical tools to analyse controllability of biological networks. We proposed the minimum dominating set (MDS) approach to determine the smallest set of nodes (i.e. proteins or enzymes) required to structurally control the entire network.
We developed algorithms for identifying the control categories of nodes in biological directed and undirected networks. Critical nodes are important because they are involved in all the possible MDS solutions. We also investigated critical controllability of bipartite ncRNA-protein interaction networks. A novel method for structurally robust control of complex networks was also developed together with a probabilistic control approach.
In spite of the complexity of the MDS problem (NP-hard), the developed algorithms using efficient graph reduction techniques were able to identify critical control categories faster than existing algorithms, and extended significantly the computable network size, allowing us to perform proteome-wide network analysis. The results indicated that critical control nodes are associated to specific biological functions and diseases. We mapped gene expression data from inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) onto PPI networks, and applied controllabiltiy analyses. We then identified a set of critical proteins statistically significantly associated to IBC. Finally, we investigated multi-layer network structures to predict associations between human diseases and ncRNAs. These models may be extended to integrate network controllability features.