研究概要 |
We established an English Medical Educational Program (EMP) at our Division at the Graduate School of Medicine. The main part of the EMP consists of English Seminars (ES) carried out in small-group work (3 -5 students and one facilitator). ES are performed 3 times/week for PhD students and once every two weeks for medical students. Participants act as speaker, chairman or audience at international conferences. Speakers have oral presentations about research or clinical work followed by discussion. In some occasions, non-Japanese qualified professionals discussed, in English, about their expertise fields with a group of participants. Twenty-nine PhD students (22M, 7 F) joined the ES. During the academic year 2013, 85 ES were organized. The median participation and the median oral presentations delivered for each PhD student at the ES were 16 [range 8-19] an 8 [range 4-10], respectively. For medical students, we had problem based learning ES. We organized 20 ES, 99 students attended, (80M, 19F) with a 95% participation rate. The number of English e-mails sent from students to facilitator and from facilitator to students were 217 and 247/year, respectively. We prepared travel grants to be filled in English and received 13 applications /year. We elaborated two research surveys for evaluating the impact of the EMP in the improvement of communication skills, one for PhD students and other for medical students. The research surveys were accepted by the Ethical Committee at the Graduate School of Medicine.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During year 2014, we will implement the second year of the English medical educational program at the Graduate School of Medicine. We will perform the field investigation using a research survey. Research method includes a) To send a questionnaire to all the participants, students that are attending to the English seminars (intervention group) and students that are non-attending to the seminars (control group). Students should indicate individual opinions about the impact of the new educational program on their confidence to communicate in English and skills in English communication. b) If necessary, we will perform face-to face interviews to students. c) Data collection into a databases and tabulation d) Descriptive and quantitative analysis of results including appropriate statistical techniques (X 2 for comparisons).