研究実績の概要 |
We implemented the 2nd year English Medical Program (EMP) at our Division at the Graduate School of Medicine. We had English Seminars (ES) three times/week for PhD students and once/ every two weeks for 5th year medical students. I participated in discussion meetings, classes and workshop related to English Medical Education organized at Hokkaido University and Nihon University Graduate School of Medicine. During the academic year 2014, 102 ES were organized for PhD students (24 participants, 18M). The median [range] of participation and of oral presentations at ES were 16 [6-18] and 7 [4-9], respectively. For 5th year students, 19 problem based learning ES were organized (92 participants, 79M, 93% participation rate). Students were invited to fill initial/final research surveys and self-confidence scores, related to various communication tasks, were rated using visual analogue scales (VAS). Statistically significant improvements in self-confidence to perform several communication tasks in English were observed following participation in the ES. 2nd medial students attending to a 16-week English medical course (EMC), and 4th year medical student whom did not have any EMCs were invited to participate in the research study by completing initial/final surveys, Medical students attending to EMCs showed significant improvement in self-confidence to discuss medical topics (p=0.001) and to give medical oral presentations (p=0.005) following the participation in the course. In the control group, no improvement in any VAS score was observed after the 16-week observation period
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We are continuing the EMP at our department, and organizing several activities such as English lectures and workshop to create opportunities for developing English communication skills. We are analyzing the data obtained from the research surveys (medical students and PhD students). We found some interesting results and are planning to present them at some medical education conference during this year. We are performing follow-up research surveys to the PhD group attending to MEP. We have to increase the number of PhD students assigned to the control group. In order to validate the results obtained in the 2nd year medical students group we are going to perform research surveys in a new sample of students attending for the first time to MEC, in 2015 by using the same methodology.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During year 2015, we are implementing the 3rd year of EMP with active participation of the students. We will continue field investigation with follow-up research surveys and data analysis. In the PhD group, we will give follow-up surveys to students enrolled in the MEP. For the control group of PhD students we will send initial /final research surveys to a new and large population of PhD students In the medical students group, we will try to reproduce and validate our current data using the same methodology in a new sample of medical students attended in 2015 for the first time to a MEC We will analyze all the data, present the preliminary results at National and international meetings and prepare data for publication.